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Posts Tagged ‘Home’

Will Landscaping Help Sell Your Home?

In Austin, Austin News, National News on August 30, 2013 at 6:45 am
There has long been a debate about how important landscaping is to a home’s salability. To sell your home at maximum value, some agents say, beautiful landscaping is a necessity. Others think that the curb appeal it adds may help get potential buyers through the door, but that’s about all.

Into this debate has come Horticulturist Alex Niemiera with a Virginia Tech study finding that a well-landscaped home had a significant price advantage over a home with no landscaping, He measured the advantage as ranging from 5.5% – 12.7%. Conversely, poor landscaping made property values drop by a full 10%.

I tend to agree with the Professor. Along those lines, if you plan to sell your Austin home this fall, these ideas should come in handy:

1. Placing potted plants by the doorway and on the patio should improve buyers’ impressions even before they enter the home.

2. Apply mulch to keep the grounds looking well tended.

3. Prune shrubs, remove brown or dying branches, and mow more regularly than ever – often enough that you only need to cut the top third of new growth.

4. If your grounds boast a water feature or pond, be very conscious of the possible Yuck factor. Keep the water free of algae, and schedule regular filter changes to insure that nothing green will be spotted floating in the water.

5. If the irrigation system has any problems, address them first. Fixing them pronto will keep everything invitingly fresh and green.

6. Liberally label plants and trees. Not only will it help potential buyers identify the varieties, it will also deliver a message that yours is a carefully designed and unusually well-tended garden.

7. Power wash or sweep patios and walkways often.

Niemiera’s research was based on the last decade’s sales – but even if your property won’t benefit quite as dramatically, attractive outdoor space is sure to draw more buyers. Staying on top of real estate research is just part of our job…but asking one of our superstar agents to sell your home in Austin can be yours!

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Involve Your Kids in Your Relocation to Austin

In Austin, Austin News, Real Estate on August 28, 2013 at 6:34 am
Relocation is seldom simple, but it can be particularly challenging for children. Each year more than $25 billion is spent on relocation, frequently made necessary because of professional reasons. While many adults are able to settle into their new surroundings quite easily, children often have a harder time making the transition. But parents can have a major impact on whether that happens. If you’re planning a relocation to the Austin area this fall, there are ways you can make the process easier on the children.Before the move

This is the perfect time to bring the kids into the relocation process. By involving your children as much as possible as early as possible, you will minimize the sense of powerlessness that can be the source of much anxiety. Take them to see their new town before the moving process is underway – and before the moving vans arrive, involve them in packing their favorite toys (and artistically decorating the cartons that are their very own)! In the best circumstances, unpacking will become like an extra birthday celebration; the new room, more thoroughly theirs than even the old one. The more a child feels an important part of your relocation plans, the more likely he or she are to experience it as empowering.

Just afterwards

Immediately after the dust has settled, set aside a few days helping them get to know the local area. Take them to nearby child-centered attractions, explore the parks, help them learn about Austin‘s fascinating history. When they begin school, they’ll find they are able to regale their new schoolmates with local lore even the locals didn’t know!

Settling in

What you know (but the kids may not) is that new best friends are going to show up sooner or later. Sooner is better – so encourage them to join sports teams, actively get to know the neighbors, and make a point of attending Austin‘s many events.

If you’re planning a relocation to Austin this fall, we’d be delighted to offer a full portfolio of community resources. Don’t hesitate to contact one of our agents today to talk about your move!

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When Does a Reverse Mortgage Make Sense?

In Austin, Austin News, Real Estate on January 10, 2013 at 4:48 am

Everyone sees those TV commercials featuring sincere celebrities pitching reverse mortgages. If you are 62 or older, chances are you’re also subjected to glossy mailers (and even DVDs!) that show up in your mailbox at regular intervals.

Latest stats show that approximately 83% of baby boomers plan to stay in their homes during retirement. That may be why some Austin homeowners who have built equity in their homes may be paying attention.

You can’t blame them if they have one overriding question — is this some kind of scam?

Essentially, a reverse mortgage is just one way to tap into a home’s equity regardless of the owner’s credit score or income. Under a reverse mortgage, borrowers receive a monthly payment, line of credit, or lump sum. Although the borrowed amount accrues interest immediately, borrowers don’t need to repay anything until they move or become deceased – at which point they (or their estate) repays the loan plus interest.

Elder law attorney Janet Colliton believes a reverse mortgage can be a useful financial tool for homeowners aged 70 or older committed to remaining in their homes…if they lack the financial resources needed to comfortably cover their living and medical expenses.

However, for Austin homeowners younger than 70 (who can expect a longer retirement), or who would elect to take the cash in a lump sum, there is a clear red flag. In either case, a reverse mortgage increases the risk of running out of cash – and home. Additionally, for Austin homeowners who have not yet built equity in their home, a reverse mortgage is not available.

If you are starting to consider your retirement plans and would like to survey all of your options, I am happy to meet to go over the buying and selling alternatives that will work best for you. You won’t know until you’ve run the numbers — call me anytime to begin the discussion